Our warm condolences for the victims of Barcelona
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Athens, 22/8/2017
We condemn the terrorist acts committed in Barcelona this August and we mourn with our Spanish fellow citizens for the loss of their loved ones.
We would like to emphasize that the terrorist and murderous acts against unsuspecting and innocent residents for any kind of reasons (religious, political, racial, etc.) are a clear example of inhumane barbarism.
But we fear that these terrorist attacks will continue on the European continent for four main reasons: 1) The colonial intervention of European military forces - mainly from England, France, Germany and Spain - in Muslim countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria etc., which very logically creates sworn enemies of Europe, 2) the religious beliefs of many fanatic Muslims and their poor knowledge for the will of God, 3) the European policy of open borders towards peoples of very different culture and religion, 4) the absence of a genuinely democratic EU.
However, we all the Europeans citizens have responsibility for this situation because of our ignorance or indifference and remaining on the sidelines of the decisions and actions of our governments.
- In what right the European governments (and your government) are deciding the wars they will carry out or for the economic downfall of other countries without your approval?
- In what right they (the governments), decide on wages, pensions, privatization and the quality of the water supply network, mass transit, power etc without your own approval?

Let's say some things by their name. You do not have and we do not have Democracy because no one takes into account the real desires and needs of the Citizens. Citizens in Democracy are the State, so they legislate, they control the government, and they judge the corrupt politicians.
The truth is that the regimes in Europe are Oligarchs with a
supposedly democratic mask.
- Logically we have to sue them for this big lie they tell people.
The truth is that the regimes in Europe are Oligarchs with a
supposedly democratic mask.
- Logically we have to sue them for this big lie they tell people.
- We all are at this moment a Lieutenant of the Oligarchy

If you really want to finally solve the biggest problems of your everyday life and create a better and safer world for you and your children, you must also take place and part to the European Citizens movement for True Democracy.
Soon there will be a special website for the European movement and information about the writing of the Democratic Constitution and the general functioning of the Democratic Polity.
All Citizens of Europe now are claiming the True Democracy!
TRUE DEMOCRACY - Off the Citizens, by the Citizens and for the Citizens!!
All Together We Can Win!!!
European Citizens Movement

* In cooperation with the Greek Citizens Movement of TRUE DEMOCRACY